Development of novel inhibitors of the nNOS-PIN complex for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Maturation project between the University of Montpellier and SATT AxLR
Both nNOS and PIN are involved in the control of insulin secretion (Lajoix et al. Diabetes, 2001; 2004; 2006) and muscle glucose sensitivity (Stamler et al., Physiol Rev, 2001) in rats and humans. Moreover, molecular abnormalities of nNOS, and in particular a reduction in its catalytic activity, are involved in pancreatic and muscle β-cell dysfunction in animal models of pre-diabetes (Mezghenna et al. Diabetologia, 2011; 2014).
Finely inhibiting the interaction of nNOS with its PIN inhibitor is a means of restoring normal nNOS catalytic activity and correcting the pancreatic and muscular defects present in diabetes. This strategy is therefore of major potential interest for the development of new anti-diabetic treatments targeting recent diabetic subjects.
The aim of the project is to identify original chemical molecules capable of modulating this molecular complex and offering anti-diabetic properties.